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Thursday, 15 December 2022


On this second day of the Christmas frivolity, I give you a game I touched upon a few years ago. It's a game that bears none of the cheer or pleasantries of the season, but some dank despair of a dystopian future. Otherwise known as Boxing Day. Pył (1998-1999 Optimus Nexus), or Dust as it's translated into English, is a tough first-person-shooter from the land of poles known as Poland. Read on after the jump to check my thoughts on it and give it a go for yourself.

Click on the images below to head on over to the game page.

1998-1999 Optimus Nexus
Action-FPS-Science Fiction

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  1. Hopefully you won't mind, but recently i remembered a game called Jeff Wayne's War Of The Worlds and after looking into it again i think it would fit on here perfectly as the game is rather troublesome to get running out of the box.

    1. It is an awkward one. I briefly looked into it ages ago but didn't get very far. I would like to get it running though.

    2. I have a copy of it and ran into trouble but discovered a no CD hack that got it to actually launch but misisng the music. Then I remember having to download some really random utility to get it to actually play the music off the disk. The only issue is that that was getting it working with the disk installed - not sure on the getting running without the disk and this was many years ago so things may have changed since. Gmail sann3856 prefix if interested and maybe can look into it and dig up my old files.

    3. I concur with Anonymous here; War Of The Worlds was a wholly unique and underappreciated game IMHO. Unfortunately I doubt we'll see an official re-release through GOG or other distributors since the rights are most likely lost in some legal quagmire. In addition it's nearly impossible to run on modern systems through the CD's (though not for lack of me trying). Would be a fin addition but I know your request list is very long ;)

  2. Ah finally, i was just browsing the site seeing if you had uploaded. Great work king!

  3. As usual, you are doing god's work. So much lost to time that should not be. Do you have a Patreon or something similar?

    1. Thanks for the kind words! There are a bunch of links just below the title at the top of the page including a PayPal donation link and my rather neglected of late Youtube channel. The Patreon link is the one at the end.

  4. Loving the run up to xmas selections. Biff, any chance of doing Mortyr in the future?
