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War of the Water Worlds takes on three episodes of the 1967 animated show Aquaman; Sea Raiders, Menace of the Blank Manta and War of the Water Worlds. These unrelated episodes have been cut and morphed into one incoherent story which moves at a break-neck speed.

Shag, the King of the Lower Water World wants Aquaman's wife, Mera for nefarious reasons. He first tasks some robotic aliens with sucking up the sea life including Aquaman's trusty dog-like sea lion named Tusky. With the help of Aqualad (nicknamed Tadpole) and some telepathically summoned sea-creatures, they save their pet.

Next up is Black Manta who scours the sea in his bat-like sea-saucer. You don't have to watch the episode to realise he and his manta-men are no match for Aquaman. What does this have to do with Shag? Why does he want Mera so badly? Who will win the war of the Water Worlds? Will Aqualad ever confront Aquaman for calling him Tadpole?

The three episodes have been hastily put together for the digital comic book, but at least work has been done to merge them. The hasty speed of the episodes feels even more rushed here. Plot points have been removed if they don't support Shag's overall story but it wasn't exactly Shakespeare to begin with.

Some notes of Aquaman:
  • Aquaman can seemingly only tell his sea-friends to bump into things.
  • Aquaman is a bully to Aqualad
  • Sealions are the ocean's lapdog
  • Seaweed is super strong
  • Clams have huge jaws and sharp teeth and thus perfect for bodyguarding
  • You don't need a coherent motive to be King of a villainous society

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To download the game, follow the link below. This custom installer exclusive to The Collection Chamber uses DOSBox running Microsoft Windows 3.1 to get the game working on modern systems. Tested on Windows 10.

File Size: 213 Mb.  Install Size: 336 Mb.  Need help? Consult the Collection Chamber FAQ


DC's CD-ROM Comic Books are © Inverse Ink
Aquaman is © DC Comics
The Animated TV Shows are © Filmation Associates
Reviews, Cover Designs and Installers created by me

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