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With only a couple of multimedia games made for adults under their belt, 7th Level won the rights to make some games for Disney. The first of which came in 1995 and was based on the phenomenal hit movie named The Lion King. While the humour won out over the game-play in the likes of Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time and Bill Plympton's Take Your Best Shot, the simple time-wasters masquerading as games work a lot better for the much younger target audience. And in Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games, they were a also lot more ambitious.

It goes without saying that any Disney title has amazing animation, but this was a solid beginning for 7th Level's exceptional output in this department too. This game looks gorgeous. The original voice cast also reprised their roles for our hyper-active duo, elevating the funny banter between the two to side-splitting heights.

The games, as is often the case in titles such as this, are a mixed bag. First off is Burper, where a flatulent Pumbaa is tasked with attacking falling bugs with his toxic burping before they hit the floor and bite him in the arse. Playing as the boar, you can still protect yourself by attacking to the left or right, but it's still the weakest game of the bunch.

Jungle Pinball is just that; pinball set in the jungle. It's not a particularly deep simulation, and the ball physics is nothing short of laughable for those used to the real thing. Critters will occasionally pop up for some opportunities to score higher, but nothing else really happens to give some variety. It doesn't help that your ball seems to gravitate towards the unprotected outlane. There are much better pinball games around, a lot of them from this era as well. When you can play 3D Ultra Pinball or Tilt!, there's really no point.

Located in the middle of the map screen is a simplified Frogger clone by the name of Hippo Hop. This sees you play as Timon as he jumps from shore to shore on the back of hippos, turtles and crocodiles collecting ingredients for their dinner. Pumbaa will call them out from the far side while you brave the river's waters to fetch them. It's definitely playable but is again another poor imitation of what's come before.

It case you couldn't guess by the name, Sling Shooter is a shooting gallery. Timon & Pumbaa have set this game up for your pleasure, but have forgotten to remind the jungle's native populace to keep well away. The duo have built some makeshift targets out of cardboard and made them to look like regular beasts. Hid them and points are added to your score, but if you mistakenly hit an actual oblivious creature, just as many points are deducted. You are allowed to hit bugs and predators for bonus points if you're skilled enough. They're small and quick and require an exact aim. The scores are saved on a high-score table accessed from the main screen. All of the games have a place there, but I suspect this will be the one many will come back to get to the top.

There is one more mini-game, though the 'mini' could arguably be removed. It's also the best of this selection, even if it does follow suit by out-right copying another game. Essentially Bug Drop is Puyo Puyo (also known as Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine). Two coloured bugs drop-down Tetris-style and they'll disappear if four or more of the same hue are gathered together. Get some combos going and some game-hindering blocks will fall down on your opponent (here represented by Timon or Pumbaa depending on who you choose). It's also the only game presented here with simultaneous multiplayer. Two can even play huddled around the same keyboard too. I'm not convinced I'll opt to play this over an official Puyo Puyo game but - like every other version - it remains addictive as all hell.

For that alone, Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games is probably the best game of its type. It even got shrunk down for the Super Nintendo a year later, with almost everything intact (speech went and graphics took a hit but it's still an impressive achievement). I quite liked the majority of what 7th Level did here and if you're in the target age bracket you'll adore it.

To download the game, follow the link below. This custom installer exclusive to The Collection Chamber uses DOSBox running Microsoft Windows 3.1 to get the game working on modern systems. Tested on Windows 10.

File Size: 61 Mb.  Install Size: 112 Mb.  Need help? Consult the Collection Chamber FAQ


Disney's The Lion King: Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games is © Disney Interactive
Review, Cover Design and Installer created by me

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  1. Thnak you so much! this is my childhood game, used to play it all the time with my father. You have no idea what joy you brought to me! Thanks a thousand times!

  2. OMG!!! Thank you so much!!! This is my childhood game and I get to play it again!!! ^_^

  3. Bloody excellent! Thanks for going to the trouble of configuring this to work with DOSBox and putting it up for all to download.

  4. Works great, thank you so much for the bundled download!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Can't play on WIN 10 :( exits to desktop after dosbox logo. Any suggestions?

    1. Did it install correctly? Try opening dosbox.conf in notepad, go to the very end and change "exit" to "#exit". This will keep DOSBox open and you'll be able to see any errors.

      Either way, I suspect the install didn't install correctly or the download didn't download correctly. I've tested it and know that it should work.

    2. Downloaded and installed successfully, tried changing last part to #exit too, still quits to desktop :(
      Maybe I have some other issues about my win10. Thank you for your time Biffman.

    3. Try installing outside of Program Files or run as admin. There's also a few comments in the FAQ that may help as well. I know it works - just did an install to test it - so I'm unsure what's conflicting with it.

  7. Hi Biffman! Thank you for your dedication to the old games cause! It's great to see these old classics come to life again!

    Both in this game and Topsy Turvy my mouse's cursor either doesn't show or stays fixed to the right bottom side of the screen, which makes the games unplayable. Do you have any suggestions on what might be causing this issue? Thanks in advance!

    1. Hello. Try running the game as admin or install outside of Program Files. It could be caused by the Windows 3.1 files being affected by the admin privileges.

    2. I already did both... I tried to tweak my mouse's configuration but had no luck. What I did notice is that the cursor shows up in both games but then vanishes or freezes at the bottom as soon as I touch the mouse. During one of the attempts, when exiting full screen and into windowed mode, I was able to see the cursor show up and move, but only horizontally...

    3. Hmm. I've not experienced that before. Have you tried updating your mouse drivers? Does it still happen if you capture the mouse withing DOSBox (Ctrl-F11)? That's all I can think of for now.

  8. Hi, I'm trying to run the game on my Parallels desktop, but once it launches I can't do anything, I can't control it at all. Any suggestions?

    1. Isn't Parallel a Mac thing? Don't know if I can help you with that as my installers are created to run on modern Windows machines. Try editing the dosbox.conf file so that it will launch into the Windows 3.1 OS and not auto-run the game.

      Open dosbox.conf in a text editor and scroll to the bottom. Put a # in front of the second to last line (win c:\runexit\runexit C:\DISNEY\JUNGLE\JUNGLE.EXE) and remove the # from the line just above it. When in Win 3.1, run the game from the Disney Interactive folder in Program Manager.

  9. Yes, i installed successfully with my Windows 10, by the way, do u know how to play the Bug drop game with 2 players? I only managed to play for 1 player..... thanks.

    1. You can find the controls by selecing Rules in the game's Options menu. Make sure you select 2 players by clicking the down arrow here too! It's a little hidden.

  10. Replies
    1. I don't have a Mac, but I have heard some work well using Wine.

  11. Hello Biffman i have a question my mouse doesnt work and the cursor doesnt show up either do you have any suggestions on how to fix this?

    1. I don't know if this is still relevant but for me it works when I use the left, right, up, down, and enter buttons to select a game.

  12. If i execute this with the DOSbox android app is it possible to play?

  13. Ура! все работает! спасибо большое!

  14. Please, I have a problem: I successfully installated but once it run the screen ratio is off and the game doesn't respond to my commands. How should I fix this?
