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Survival is a state of mind.

In the near future, Psionics are among us. Their evil thoughts pulsate across time and space, disrupting and eventually corrupting even the strongest of minds. One man, Agent Cain, a powerful Psionic working for an elite government acency, stands against them, risking his own sanity to save our.

  • Over 20 story-driven single-player levels with surprising twists and turns.
  • Collect 80 Talents (Psionic Weapons) such as Eyes of Ra, Mummy's Revenge and Wall of Bones to pummel your opponents into the ground.
  • Take on up to 8 players in 10 Multiplayer levels.
  • Utilizes the proprietary LithTech 3D engine in a free-floating, isometric perspective.
  • Includes title song "Sanity" from Ice T's Body Count.
~ from the back of the box

There are some games that seem primed to be big hits. Whether they're graphically impressive, culturally on point, pushing something new and exciting, or simply having a ubiquitous ad campaign, such games are sure to sell well, right? Released in September of 2000, Sanity: Aiken's Artifact seemed primed for success, but despite being all of these things it was a flop.

For the year in which it was released, Sanity looks remarkably good. It was the first game to utilise the newest version of the LithTech engine, with No One Lives Forever debuting two months later. Despite being the backbone behind only four games, Version 2.0 was the jumping off point to greater things. Later iterations would dump the buggy (and later cancelled) 3.0 in favour of high-end off-shoots and expansions of this versions code using code words instead of numerals to mark the changes. The latest version came about in 2017 where LithTech Firebird was used for Middle Earth: Shadow of War. Sadly, the ubiquity of Unity and the Unreal Engine meant LithTech wasn’t so widely used anymore.

Personally, I feel the engine, at least in the late 90s and early 2000s, allowed for some great graphics on systems with reasonable specs. Sanity played well on my mid-range Windows ’98 machine, or at least the demo of the UK version that removed the ‘Sanity’ from the title did. Its pleasingly chunky polygons and impressive particle effects even holds up today too. The game launcher allows for high native resolutions, but I found the unscaled HUD to be a problem playing on anything other than 640x480, especially when it has such an important role in how the game is played. Thankfully, dgVoodoo can upscale the graphics wonderfully meaning you won’t have to sacrifice graphics for playability.

Solve puzzles by finding specific items such as keys or security cards (left)
or use Talent spells such as Haste or Levitation to get to new areas (right).

So what about how it plays? In some ways it’s a top-down action adventure with puzzles to solve in an almost adventure game or Zelda-like fashion. In other ways it reminds me of action RPGs in the vein of Diablo. What it most reminds me of is Magic: The Gathering. Going by developer interviews at the time, it appears that Monolith wanted to take on the challenge of incorporating a Magic-like deck building game into an action RPG. I don’t think it particularly succeeds in this goal – the magic cards called Talents are used more like magic items or abilities than strategic counter points to enemy combatants – but it does succeed in making it a rather fun game mechanic.

Most, if not all of Cain's actions are controlled by the mouse. Holding the right mouse button moves while clicking the left performs whatever action you have selected. While looking is often context-sensitive with the cursor changing to a magnifying glass to denote this, other actions are activated on the HUD at the bottom of the screen. Basic actions are on the left, equipped Talents in the middle while your health and sanity (this games magic points) are displayed on the right. The exclamation mark is your standard action which includes talking or interacting. Taking out your DNPC (Department of National Psionic Control) badge may put the fear of the law in citizens, persuading them to tell you what you want to know. If that fails unholstering your gun could garner the same effect. Don't shoot unaggressive civilians though, as a special chip in your head will explode. If you've run out of sanity and are unable to use magic attacks, the unlimited ammo of the gun makes for a suitable if weak alternative. You can also give your handler a ring on your flip phone Metal Gear Solid style if you fancy it.

If looks painful when you collect a new Talent spell (left)
but not as painful as the consequences of attacking a civilian (right).

As for the Talents, some are obvious staples for any player of Dungeons & Dragons. Your offensive Fireball is one of the first you'll acquire which will shoot out a ball of flame to wherever you click your mouse pointer. Others become far more interesting. The Eyes of Ra is a visually interesting take on an area attack while Mind's Eye allows you to hear the inner-most thoughts of those around you. It's with non-combative Talents such as this where puzzle solving comes in. Psionic Push is used for a few Sokoban type puzzles, Levitate gives you temporary wings allowing you to cross impassable gaps while Mind's Eye is great for uncovering passwords or other dirty little secrets.

All of this is in service of the plot, which while not wholly original or engaging, does more than enough to pull you in. You play as a disgraced Psionic cop named Agent Cain (played by a still relevant Ice T no less), who went overboard on his last mission causing several civilian casualties. Now that you have an aggression chip implanted, you can take on new missions without the worry of a repeat for if you attack a peaceful NPC, your head will explode and it's game over.

Psionic Push blocks Sokoban style to get to the other side (left).
Some of these graves need knocking over to open the door to the crypt (right).

The objective of each mission is to capture or kill other Psionic magic users who are misusing their abilities. There are 6 large chapters in the single-player mode, each one revolving around a wayward Psionic. Scattered around the stages, or rewarded after a satisfying kill are Talents with which to bulk up your arsenal. There are 80 in total in the main game though more could be added as downloadable content. I’ve scoured the internet and as of yet am unable to source any of these bonus Talents. Apparently some were found on gaming magazine cover discs while three were included on a misshapen mini-CD as a pre-order bonus. I have to see what they are or how they’re used but my guess is that they were exclusively used in the multiplayer mode (if anyone out there has any of them, please hook me up with a copy!).

I’m still in shock about the games absolute failure at retail. It garnered good to great reviews at the time averaging at a respectable 73% on Metacritic. I would’ve liked more creative puzzle-solving solutions to go with the creative variety of Talents available to you and maybe some side-quests or hidden secrets but what we have is still a highly entertaining action RPG with unique mechanics that provide a dozen or so hours of great fun.

To download the PC game, follow the link below. This custom installer exclusive to The Collection Chamber uses dgVoodoo to run on modern systems. Manual, Poster & Comic Book included. Read the ChamberNotes.txt for more detailed information. Tested on Windows 10.
  05.03.2023 - Version 2 - Upgraded dgVoodoo from v2.78 to v2.79.3.
                                         Limited frame rate to 30FPS to fix some bugs.

File Size: 346 Mb.  Install Size: 624 Mb.  Need help? Consult the Collection Chamber FAQ


Sanity: Aiken's Artifact is © Monolith Productions
Review, Cover Design and Installer created by me

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  1. I've always thought of this as being Monolith Production's hidden gem, also a bit funny how they always had a storytelling thing for "psychic powers" which would manifest in a much more grim dark and edgier tone in F.E.A.R. and Condemned:Criminal Origins.

    1. I never really noticed that! Even Get Medieval has the Fear power up that frightens enemies. It's an exceptional game that I'm still playing through. Want to get a lot further before I write the review.

  2. I still remember when I saw this game in Walmart and asked my dad to get it for me. I was like six years old at the time and all I did in the game was shoot fireballs inside the police HQ and get Cain killed. I did fight to get this game up and running using Peixoto's patch last year and I still didn't play very long but it's nice to see it available in an easier to play format. This game will always hold a special place in my heart.

    1. same story here. childhood games hit different

  3. i love that this works. i have the CD and can't get it to work at all. its so nice to relive a favorite from my younger years. find it strange the old cheats like MPTEDTHEHEAD don't work but oh well. still a fun game

  4. played all the way to the meat plant and when you get to the puzzle where you have to follow the meat and step on buttons that allow temporary bridges to go up allowing the meat to make its way to the processor. there's a couple of bugs i've encountered here. 1) you're saves for whatever reason CAN get corrupt if you save in this room (if you have save just before entering the room then you're fine) 2) the meat gets stuck towards the last bridge (it should drop then slide down to where the last bridge is before going to the processor), waits a few seconds then somehow jumps/or over shoots and lands on the floor on the other side of the room. i went to other saves and both bugs happen for me. so close to the ending too.

    1. I've just encountered the same bug. Is there a fix for that?

  5. So far the game seems to be working, which is definitely good. I do run into a (gameplay) problem at the second level, where the guy from the Psychic Link Employee Information is supposed to walk inside his house and go to his dog (allowing Cain to sneak inside), but instead he gets stuck on attempting to enter the house and blocks the passageway. Since it's a 'Good' NPC I'm not allowed to kill him, but there is no way around him either. Is this perhaps a new bug or an old one? Perhaps something to do with framerate or something?

    1. I forcibly lowered my frame rate and it did indeed solve the issue. I know of at least one other frame rate glitch later in the game, so be forewarned that playing Sanity Aiken's Artifact you might need to manually lower the frame rate of the game in order to bypass such glitches.

    2. You can also change the frame rate within dgVoodoo. Right-click the banner within the program and new tabs will open up, including one with an option for framerate. I'll provide an update when I have the time.

    3. Thanks, I'll be sure to check that out.

  6. Recently I encountered another bug where the Quick Save feature results in a black screen and prevents further gameplay, as well as prevents loading of other saves until the game is closed and restarted (the loading bar gets stuck on "Loading the world..."). Other manual saves also now take a few seconds to load beyond what was previously required. I've rebooted my PC and the bug persists. It first triggered in the last level of Chapter 5, and seems to carry over to the level select feature. The only thing that seems to work is to reload a previous save and keep playing from there, but the bug returns after a dozen or so minutes.

    1. Forgot to add that it is likely a save game corruption (saying it explicitly for ease of reference).

    2. Like the user from --Anonymous18 December 2022 at 21:15--, it *seems* that the problem is limited to the last level of Chapter 5 (TBP's barge). Playhing through that level from a save from the previous level, without dying and without saving until I started the first level of chapter 6, that seemingly fixed the issue. Saves are still very slow, but Quick Saves now work again without crashing.

  7. Does anyone know where to find the Booster Pack talents? All the official websites have all been offline for decades, and now it seems these extra talents may be lost forever.

  8. Is there any special precondition for being able to use the console commands / cheats? I opened the the 'Enter' text box and tested all four codes (i.e. mpjuiceme, mpalltalents, mptedthehead, mpshipit), but none of them seemed to work.

  9. What I remember most about this game, is that it was leaked before release and people were asking questions in the forums for help with puzzles and such. And then someone, maybe a dev, said "The game is not even out yet.".

  10. Anyone have an issue where some of the assets are loaded in? Like when I first start the game Cain is basically a giant white blob. Not sure if that's just the reality of playing a bootleg version of a game that is decades old or not, but hopefully someone can help

    1. I got the same issue and solve it by this way :
      Run "dgVoodooCpl.exe" (Located in your *Sanity installation files*\lithtech\ )
      In "General" tab, under "Rendering" part their is "Output API" drop-down menu open it and change "Best available one" to "Direct3D 12 (feature level xx.0 )".
      Click "Apply" and run the game, hope it works for you.

  11. Hi i got an strange mouse issue : i show the mouse icon on screen, i can navigate and "clic" (Left and right work) on menu and the ingame "Interface bar" (as the manuel call it) but that all, i can't use the mouse to move/control Cain or interact with any object in game. Any solution?

    1. Oh and i have set Mbut1 and Mbut2 in controls but it doesn't work.

    2. Ok fine, i lost one hour on this but i find a solution :

      Edit "autoexec.cfg" (located in "*Sanity installation files*\lithtech\")
      Scroll to the end of the document. (or just add a line before the mention > enabledevice "##keyboard", but both works)
      Write > enabledevice "##mouse"
      Save modification.
      From this point your mouse will be recognise ingame, just check the games control menu than "Move Character" and "Action" are setted on "Mbut2" and "Mbut1" (the default mapping).

      Voila, if some one have the same issue hope this may help. (hope my English is not too bad)

    3. Thank you so much! I've been looking for a solution to the mouse problem for about a year now!

  12. extra pack here: https://www.moddb.com/games/sanity-aikens-artifact/downloads

  13. thanks for updating this game! i remember it from my childhood, but many years i just couldn't install it. by the way, there are some issues. for example i cant bind any key to the mouse and its not comfortable to move using keyboard. also, the mouse doesn't work after changing the resolution, and you have to restart the game. anyway im happy that now i can play it, and im writing about these issues in case you want to fix it.
