The crude grifter Jack T. Ladd returns for another space adventure. This time he's Guilty! Released in 1995, this sequel to Divide By Zero's Innocent Until Caught adds an unwitting companion by the name of Ysanne Andropath: Space Cop. Does this extra playable character add to the experience or just Jack's innate sexism?
The first Innocent Until Caught was a fun, if inconsistent adventure, with some nice character dialogue to keep things interesting. With Guilty, almost everything about the original has been retained, yet not much has been improved. The screen layout, graphics, writing - all incredibly similar save for minor tweaks. At the time, this was cause for heavy criticism. The lack of the 'Super' in the VGA graphics meant that it lagged behind contemporary adventures such as Full Throttle, Dark Seed II or Chronomaster. However, while it may have been behind the curve in 1995, in 2017 it's pleasingly retro.
From a gameplay standpoint, the big change is the inclusion of a second playable character. While the overall plot and locations remain the same, puzzles, items and motivations are very different. For example, Jack starts out having to escape the on-board jail cell on Ysanne's spaceship, then subsequently sabotaging the hyperdrive. On the other hand, Ysanne’s tale starts at this very moment so she instead heads straight for the nearest planet to refuel.
The story is quicker to get going this time round. While the first game spends half its time attempting to dodge taxes before the galaxy in peril plotline kicks in, here it's presented almost immediately. While Jack is running around the ship playing saboteur, in Ysanne's storyline she's receiving a warning signal from the nearby planet of Lixa. The ice planet is home to a research station which you find abandoned and destroyed. The vigilant officer gets right to investigating the cause while giving Jack the supposedly simple task of finding fuel. It turns out an inter-dimensional alien species has arrived hell-bent on destruction, and Ysanne takes it upon herself to save the galaxy.
Jack pays little attention to this in his storyline. His main motivation is a more hedonistic, self-serving one. The first few planets the two encounter tasks him with finding something to fix the ship while Ysanne does something badass (like save a battling army troop), but he'll also gamble and hit on female robots on a casino planet. With this in mind, it's best to play as Ysanne on your first playthrough. You won't learn too much about the overarching plot as Jack, especially as the two storylines play as separate games rather than a single adventure a la Day of the Tentacle (they each have their own set of save game slots too).
Jack's plotline is also overstuffed with the game's greatest flaw: pixel-hunting. Both suffer from this but for Jack, it's over-apparent right from the off. The first puzzle - escaping the cell - requires you to play with the light switch three times. This light switch is a single-pixel next to the cell door. It took me far too long finding it, then realising it has to be pressed multiple times before it short circuits. It's not as overly difficult as the first game (there's little moon logic here), but when it comes to pixel-hunts it's one of the worst out there. Every time I resorted to a walkthrough, it was because I missed a tiny item. The first game attempted to get around this issue with the 'eye' icon which zoomed in the image highlighting what could be interacted with. That was not a perfect solution, but at least it was an attempt at one. There is nothing of the sort here.
Our heroes each have their own well-defined personalities. However, whether it's the recent inclusion of voice acting, the presence of Ms Andropath or perhaps a change in writers (officially there wasn’t), Jack's cheeky barbs come off as a little sexist. In fact, the conflict between the two derives mostly from this. Jack, for example, is astounded that he was caught by a woman and often comments on her 'driving' skills. Ysanne will often have great comebacks, but will still spout lines about how men are untrustworthy and break everything. I guess they're going for fun banter (think Romancing the Stone), but it just comes off as mean spirited.
Casual sexism is certainly present throughout the game, however I wouldn't say Guilty itself is guilty of this. For starters, Ysanne has taken over lead character duties from Jack. She's very much the one who has agency in the story, with Jack as a hanger-on. Secondly, for every sexist term thrown between the two protagonists, there's a retort - either by action or in dialogue - that counteracts the argument. Ysanne does indeed catch the roguish criminal single-handedly, has a strong will and an unwavering sense of right and wrong. That 'women drivers' comment is made moot by the fact that Ysanne is driving a tank to save some troops in a warzone. Jack himself remains useful with a wrench and spanner, strives to fix the bad situations he often causes and - for the second time - stands up where it counts to help save the galaxy. I was not offended by any of these sly comments and there's little here that will trigger the PC Brigade. The game's far too simplistic for that. In fact, it was its use as a lazy shorthand for character development that I didn't like. What with the current political climate and social debate putting a spotlight on this theme, I may not have noticed it otherwise.
Nevertheless, I still enjoyed my time with this imperfect game. Each plotline was very short, being about 2 hours each if you know what you're doing, and the plot was a lot more involving than what came before. The characters - for all their flaws - were again the highlight, being much more entertaining than the story despite the over-used and tired stereotypes. It's another game to add to your underrated hidden gems list.

To download the game, follow the link below. This custom installer exclusive to The Collection Chamber uses DOSBox to bring the game to modern systems. Tested on Windows 10.
File Size: 87 Mb. Install Size: 249 Mb. Need help? Consult the Collection Chamber FAQ
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Innocent Until Caught 2: Guilty is © Divide By Zero / Psygnosis
Review, Cover Design and Installer created by me
Hey Biff,
ReplyDeleteGreat site and a great effort to bring back the good old gaming days!
When adventure gaming and puzzles was the way to go, before the age of FPS.
I wish to talk about two games that passed me by then, and that I found here on your site. First one is this one, Guilty. And the other one is Blade Runner. I have had problems with both and am writing to ask if you would have a solution.
Innocent until caught 2: Guilty
Game starts fine, and sound is fine as well, the first seconds, then it starts lagging or something and there is a background noise. Imagine a zzrprr-sound underneath both in the music and in the speech.
I tried changing the dosbox.conf in the sound preferences, trying the different indicated levels.
But nothing worked and it usually only became worse. My computer is not new and I am not able to play new games on it, so computer speed should not be the problem. I have Win7.
Got any thoughts/ideas on how to correct this sound glitch/lag/zzrprr problem?
As the sound every second now and then plays fine, I believe it should be possible to get it to play fine all the time.
My second issue then is in Blade Runner.
First the game had a graphic glitch that I can not even describe, but after starting it and doing a ctrl-alt-del and going back to windows, then opening the game again (while it is still running in the background), that glitch always for some reason disappears and the graphics are back to normal.
The problem instead now comes when I in-game upload the photos of the first case to the police headquarters computer, the game simply freezes and shuts down. Is this something you have a solution to? Might of course also be a bug in the game. Or if there is some process that needs to happen that for one reason or another simply can't happen. Like me missing a program on my computer, that is needed, or some such.
Anyhow, thanks for a great site and answer my questions if you can. Help would be happily appreciated.
Take good care!
Hello Lumi and sorry for the late reply (works been hectic of late).
DeleteThe BladeRunner crash is a known issue for some computers when using the default .exe (it's based on a fanmade patch for Windows 7). Included in the download is another file which will hopefully work better. Instead of running Run.exe or Blade7.exe (bothe are basically the same), run BladeXP.exe instead. This is another fanmade patch but for XP. It's more stable for most users including for those with Win7 & 10 (not tried it with 8) though you may need to change compatibility settings.
I've just tested Guilty and I'm not having any sound issues like you describe. Did it install correctly? The only other thing I think it could be is the soundblaster emulation, but as it's emulated it should have similar results on all machines. Try re-downloading and re-installing.
Hey Biff
DeleteNo problem, have been dealing with deadlines myself.
Thank you very much for the tip regarding BR! I fired it up using BladeXP and it worked!
Sweet and glorious both at the same time!
Yeah, Guilty installed correctly. No problems there. But the sound issue persists.
I don't know what the problem is, but I would assume it to be either some kind of lag or a problem with the sound emulation. As you assume also.
It is too bad because sometime the sound is playing just fine and other times I barely hear what is being said. So the game experience is in there, but I have to solve that issue before I can enjoy it.
Anyway, thank you for answering, and if you think of anything else to try with Guilty, please let me know.
All the best to you!
Hi Biff, I have the same issues with sound on win 10. Reinstalled and all, with the same result.
ReplyDeleteHad to turn all sound and speech off, with only subtitles on, to be able to play in peace.
Thanks for all your hard work!
I've just played it again for a good 10 minutes, and I'm still not hearing any sound issues. How soon does the distortion start? Does it begin at a particular point in the game? Have you tried installing outside of Program Files in case there's an admin issue?
DeleteCPU cycles is set way too high
In the first game it was set to 6000, so lowering the value will solve the problem.
Yeah, I don't now what the ideal value should be but I knocked a zero of the end and it works fine since.