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Friday, 31 March 2023

MONTHLY 5 - March 2023

https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/antz-panic-in-anthill.html https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/chicken-run.html https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/gold-glory-road-to-el-dorado.html https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/shrek-game-land-activity-center.html https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/sinbad-legend-of-seven-seas.html

Awards season is over (and this is the first time ever where my personal favourite coincided with the Oscars), but movies will always be on my mind. As DreamWorks have been having a bit of a resurgence of late, with both Puss in Boots: The Last Wish and The Bad Guys washing out the stink that was Boss Baby, I thought I'd treat myself to some of their earlier game tie-ins. Pick of the bunch is Gold and Glory: The Road to El Dorado (2000 DreamWorks & Revolution Software), a 3D adventure game by the folks behind Broken Sword. Antz: Panic in the Anthill! (2001 Light and Shadow Production & DreamWorks LLC) takes the movie's characters and places them in a Bomberman clone. Chicken Run (2000 DreamWorks LLC, Aardman Chicken Run Ltd & Pathé Image) is a decent Baby's First Metal Gear Solid while Shrek: Game Land Activity Center (2001 TDK Mediactive, Activision & DreamWorks LLC) mimics Disney's edutainment offerings of the past. Lastly, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003 Atari Interactive & DreamWorks LLC) is an underrated movie tie-in of an underrated movie.

There are a few updates too. James Cameron's Titanic Explorer removes the need for mounted discs completely removing one of my biggest qualms about it (I should read the readmes more thoroughly). Galapagos: Mendel's Escape has now been updated to official patch 1.2 which gives the option to save anywhere. I've also changed DxWnd to a lesser version which solves the intro video distortion, but considering that was just a company logo it's a minor fix. I had thought I solved some issues in Sanity:Aiken's Artifact by forcing a reduced framerate through dgVoodoo, but it appears not. I'm beginning to think the issue stems from the NoCD patch itself so I'll have to figure out an alternative before I update again.

Until then, check out this month's games after the jump.

Click on the images below to head on over to the game page.

2001 Light and Shadow Production & DreamWorks LLC

2000 DreamWorks LLC, Aardman Chicken Run Ltd & Pathé Image
Windows '98 + PlayStation + DreamCast / GameBoy Color

2000 DreamWorks & Revolution Software
Adventure-Third Person-Fantasy-DreamWorks

2001 TDK Mediactive, Activision & DreamWorks LLC
Edutainment-DreamWorks-Activity Centre

2003 Atari Interactive & DreamWorks LLC
Action-Beat 'em up-Fantasy-DreamWorks

Like this? Try These...

https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/james-camerons-titanic-explorer.html  https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/galapagos-mendels-escape.html  https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/sanity-aikens-artifact.html


  1. Thank you for doing this. It's not only fun to be introduced to games I would never have heard of, but it's archaically and historically important. Keep up the good work, Biffman. You are doing the works of the gods. Truly, your efforts are never less than appreciated.

    1. Thanks! The games industry are notoriously awful as preserving stuff.

  2. More games saved for posterity and more game for us to enjoy. Fantastic work as always.

  3. Always wanted to try the Sinbad game as it had somehow slipped my extensive collection net. Many thanks once again for all your greatly appreciated hard work in making this playable again and for preserving it for new generations to enjoy.

  4. Thank you for your fantastic work! I speck everytime about your amazing blog on Twitch and Youtube with my frinds. i insereted also the link to your site in my blog "Puntaeclicca" dedicated to point and click games!

    1. Yo're welcome! I've been a bit slack with the YouTube channel due to lack of time, but I've been wanting to produce more.

  5. Thanks for all your great work as usual. I hope you don't mind me asking, but I'm currently going through my physical media and backing up what I can to ISO. But copy protection is foiling me as often as not. Fortunately I have been able to acquire some of these in Steam and (better still) GOG.

    One sticks out in particular, though - Bungie West's Oni. Have you ever thought about featuring this game on your blog? As best I can tell it isn't currently available anywhere for retail. I was able to grab the ISO off of archive.org (may god help them with their legal woes), but I remember having technical issues with the game and wonder if you'd been thinking of working your magic on it. It's a pretty good game that deserves not to be lost to history.

    1. https://abandonwaregames.net/game/oni This leads to Oni on Abandonware Games and is altered for Win10 I believe.

    2. Thanks!!

  6. Biffman 101 is magic, he wears a magic hat... etc. Thanks for these top man much appreciated.

  7. But I rather hoping to see My First Math Adventure 1: Counting and Sorting and My First Math Adventure 2: Adding and Subtracting.

    1. I wouldn't count on it ;)

    2. What’s that supposed to mean?

  8. As someone who loves finding great deals, I often turn to Hollister Student Discount to grab games at fantastic prices. Thanks for sharing this list—it's perfect for any gamer looking for something fresh to play!

  9. I really enjoyed this roundup of games for March! Your insights and reviews always make it easy to discover new titles. The Hottest Fashion Trends For The New Season
