The Inca series is a weird one to categorise. I first came to know them as adventure games - at least that's what Home of the Underdogs described them as - but there's just as much action. Perhaps even more so. It is set firmly in an ancient Inca setting, yet a large portion takes place in space with all of the futuristic sci-fi trappings. So which kind of game is it?
The schizophrenic conception does make for a memorable experience. There are many new age mythologies surrounding the Inca Empire and advanced technology. The infamous Nazca lines are referred to as "runways" by theorists with a little too much imagination and the mountaintop placement of Machu Picchu's intricate city has stumped many historians. Do they prove what they call the Ancient Astronaut theory? The answer is a resounding no, but it makes for an interesting base for a story.
The first game begins with some guffins about a prophecy complete with barely-pronounceable Incan words. All you really need to know is that you are a warrior named El Dorado tasked with travelling between planets and exploring Mayan ruins while fighting the evil Aguirre of the Spanish Armada.
Unlike most adventure games, Inca is separated by distinguishable levels. The action segments play similarly to LucasArts' Rebel Assault with the occasional pre-rendered background video and simple gameplay. The second level is even an obvious homage to Star Wars' trench run on the Death Star. To further add to the action game feel, you are given a limited number of lives and a password system instead of a save game ability.
The adventure elements fare much better, taking place in the first person. They are often inventory-based and self-contained within each level. This doesn't allow for much in the way of scope that a sole adventure game would allow, but the level structure does increase a sense of accomplishment. Unfortunately, these elements are the easiest part of the game. When I was stuck, I found it due to the twitch-based controls required for the action sequences.
The sequel retains the same concept of a level-based action-adventure hybrid. I found it far more enjoyable than the first, even though it is ultimately easier. To begin with, the esoteric mysticism has largely been sidelined resulting in a stronger narrative. You are no longer El Dorado, but his spoiled son named Atahualpa who is determined to be involved with his father's Incan council. He's a snivelling brat with a whiney voice and a misplaced sense of importance. He offends everybody he meets and even begins a war with some hot-tempered aliens. Not your average leading man. In fact, he brings far more comedy to the proceedings. His judgmental stare may pierce deep in your soul...
...but he's a bit shit at hide and seek.
While all elements of the game have improved, the biggest change is the option of how you want to play the game. At the beginning, you are tasked with proving yourself to join the council. To do this, you have to pass one of two tasks - wisdom or force. Depending on which task you decide on, the action or adventure elements will be more pronounced during your play-through.
The graphics for both games are pretty good for the early 90s, with digitised actors in both titles. While the definitive version of both are the CD versions, each also had a floppy release. This means that the cutscenes are often limited to static screens rather than full-motion video. The extra space on the CD allows for full speech and a far higher quality soundtrack. In fact, the soundtrack is perhaps the best thing about the games. The first game even has a soft-rock anthem playing over the opening credits. The heavy use of pan pipes tells you how gloriously cheesy it is.
Everything about these games are contradictory. The action elements are at odds with the adventuring. The science-fiction is jarringly anachronistic to the historical setting. Yet despite this and the unintentionally hilarious art and design choices, they are games that I highly recommend, even as a devout adventure gamer.

To download the Inca or Inca 2, follow the links below. These custom installers exclusive to The Collection Chamber uses DOSBox to bring the game to modern systems. MP3 Soundtrack included with Inca 1. Manual and Hint Book included for both games. Tested on Windows 7 and Windows 10.
File Size: 116 Mb (Inca 1), 283 Mb (Inca 2). Install Size: 125 Mb (Inca 1), 479 Mb (Inca 2). Need help? Consult the Collection Chamber FAQ
Download Inca
Download Inca 2: Wiracocha
Inca & Inca II: Wiracocha are © Coktel Vision
Review, Cover Design and Installer created by me
No joke, I was looking for the Inca soundtrack (mostly the title song "Inca People") last week. Thanks for including the MP3 soundtrack!
ReplyDeleteThat's great! I'm usually in two minds whether or not to add the soundtrack (this one was too good to pass up) - perhaps I should include a few more in future.
DeleteAwesome, i've been looking for this game for ages.
ReplyDeleteI'm having trouble downloading anything from the weird 4shared site though :(
I have too recently, Dan. Some games and files have mysteriously disappeared for no reason recently and have needed re-upping. I've been briefly looking at other (free) alternatives but this is the best I've found so far for the price.
DeleteTo download from 4Shared, click on each file. Then clickon on download next to the Share button. Now the Free Download under the 20 second counter which will tick down. Your download will pop up when it reaches zero. I have noticed issues with some download managers so maybe use your browsers built in default.
I hope this helps.
Do you include all versions? (CD & Floppies)
ReplyDeletefor the Inca II soundtrack you can check:
Hello. Onle the CD versions are here, as those are the only ones I own. As far as I know there isn't much different gameplay wise between the two, just extras movies, speech and CD audio. I didn't think is was worth the extra time to implement.
DeleteThe included soundtrack is the one that came with the 1&2 Collectors Edition and includes tracks from both games, and it looks like I didn't upload it when I transferred the files over to MEGA (I'll re-upload that now). Below is a link to the full track listing.,108707/
Yap i know, i have almost all the Sierra catalog in my library, it was my favourite publisher back then, starting with Mission Asteroid (was called On-Line Systems). I was surprised to see Last Dynasty, its one of Sierra's least popular titles.
DeleteBtw if you can add EcoQuest 1 & 2, Lost in Time, Urban Runner and Space Bucks would be great.
And for non-Sierra, Star Trek: Away Team.
Keep up the great job, your's and Zomb's Lair sites are treasure troves!!
Thanks! I love me some 90s Sierra and essentially their entire catalogue from that era that isn't still sold (or a sports game) is on my to do list! I second pretty much every game you just said :)
DeleteI still remember a computer shop in my town showing this (in attract mode) back in the early 90s. Memories flow back...